翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/07/21 14:47:33


・Eighty percent of Muslim immigrants make a living from income as employees or being self-employed.
・Thirty-four percent receive the Abitur or Fachabitur (the diploma qualifying pupils for university admission), 22.3 percent finish intermediate secondary school (Realschule), and 28.8 percent finish secondary general school (Hauptschule). Collectively, this means that 85.2 percent achieve a school qualification needed to enter Germany’s diversified job market.
・Only 1 percent of Muslims in Germany can be considered part of the Islamist milieu.

Businesses owned by the foreign born have
become an important component of the German
economy over the past 15 years.




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