翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2015/07/01 22:40:34

[削除済みユーザ] 50 I am studying the weather in a univer...

But new VB Insight research shows that if you can deliver an ad to a consumer that is targeted to his or her needs and desires at just the right time and in just the right way, 49 percent of Americans will give you their attention. Seventeen percent will engage with a well-placed ad to determine whether it’s worthy of further action, and 24 percent will actively check out the product or service you’re offering.

That sure beats the heck out of the 0.06 percent engagement most brands can expect with traditional display advertising.


しかし、今回の新しいVB Insightによるリサーチでは、顧客に各々の必要や要望に沿うように、かつ、適切なタイミングと方法で広告を提示する事ができれば、49%のアメリカ人は興味を示し、17%は買うべきかどうかを真剣に考え、24%は積極的に商品を検索し始める。


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