翻訳者レビュー ( 中国語(簡体字) → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/10/08 12:46:25

dentetu 50



It's reported that now the smuggled goods dealer accepted reserve have confirmed can be get the goods and import to China at the first time through a American channel. But the first iPhone4S was predicted be a coded-version, or can't be used temporarily. And also reported by some smuggled goods dealer, iPhone4S that arrive on Oct.17th will be a European free-version, which can use the national internet. At present, Unicom is not confirm when iPhon4S can be put to come to market nationally, but related ones predicted may be at about Spring Festival at fastest. And the time come to market of iPhone4S from HongKong also is not known.

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