翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 40 / 0 Reviews / 2011/10/04 01:40:33

tomoko16 40 ロンドン大学大学院で翻訳学を学び、現在ロンドンでフリーランスの翻訳家として...

On a similar note, fellow blogger Willis said earlier this summer that “it’s the execution that really matters,” and not the idea. And while I agree with that, and love to see a localized idea beat-out some wrong-headed opposition – hello Taobao, goodbye eBay! – there’s an extent beyond which the localization is conceptually closer to ripping-off. And that’s a line PengYou crossed with its website.

Anyway, no hard feelings. I’m trying out the PengYou service, and love the slick app, which looks even better than Path’s. It borrows some design cues, but it’s mostly distinctive. Could well be worth a review…




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備考: startupdatingの記事翻訳です。"〜だ""〜である"調でお願いします。元記事: http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/10/01/its-ok-to-localize-a-web-service-but-its-not-cool-to-also-copy-the-entire-website/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=fe