翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2015/03/04 10:17:07


ジョン牧師感謝の会を行います。日時3月7日土曜午後6時半。 場所 神奈川県藤沢市本町1-12-17 藤沢市労働会館。 禁止事項服 喪服は禁止。 派手な服装可。Gパン、アロハ、ゴムぞうりでも可。 ジョンは天国に行ったのでお祝いの会です。お香典やお花代は不要。 感謝献金は10円から受付します。 参加資格 ジョンを知っていようが、いまいが天国行きのお祝い参加希望者ならどなたでも可。 ゴスペル((ジョンとの思い出の曲) やります。一緒に賛美していただけたら幸いです。


“Thank You” Party for Pastor John

6:30pm, March 7th
Fujisawa Rodo Kaikan 1-12-17 Honcho Fujisawa, Kanagawa

[Dress Code]
No morning dress. Participants are welcome to wear a showy dress, jeans, Hawaiian shirt, or rubber flip-flops.

[No Condolence]
It is a celebratory party for departed John. Participants need not to bring any condolence money or flower.

A donation is welcome. We humbly receive the donation of over 10 yen.

Everyone who wishes to congratulate John on his departure to Heaven, whether or not he/she is acquainted with him.

We will sing Gospel of which we share John with good memories. It is pleasure to sing a hymn together for him.

レビュー ( 1 )

yxn667 52 Conyacでの翻訳経歴(2014年10月登録): Standard依頼...
yxn667はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/03/06 14:33:11

“Thank You” Party for Pastor John

6:30pm, March 7th
Fujisawa Rodo Kaikan 1-12-17 Honcho Fujisawa, Kanagawa

[Dress Code]
No morning dress. Participants are welcome to wear a showy dress, jeans, Hawaiian shirt, or rubber flip-flops.

[No Condolence]
It is a celebratory party for departed John. Participants need not to bring any condolence money or flower.

A donation is welcome. We humbly receive the donation of over 10 yen.

Everyone who wishes to congratulate John on his departure to Heaven, whether or not he/she is acquainted with him.

We will sing Gospel of which we share John with good memories. It is pleasure to sing a hymn together for him.

“Thank You” Party for Pastor John

6:30pm, March 7th
Fujisawa Rodo Kaikan, 1-12-17 Honcho, Fujisawa, Kanagawa

[Dress Code]
No morning dress. Participants are welcome to wear a showy dress, jeans, Hawaiian shirt, or rubber flip-flops.

[No Condolence]
It is a celebratory party for departed John. Participants need not to bring any condolence money or flower.

A donation is welcome. We humbly receive the donation of over 10 yen.

Everyone who wishes to congratulate John on his departure to Heaven, whether or not he/she is acquainted with him.

We will sing Gospel of which we share John with good memories. It is pleasure to sing a hymn together for him.
