翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/02/21 18:12:44

dsk222 52

私は来月か再来月からEnglish schoolに通おうと思っています。仕事で話せた方がやはり優位だし、世界も広がるだろうし、何よりあなたとおしゃべりできるでしょう。通い出すと、お金も時間も掛かるし、継続できるか不安でなかなか勇気でなかったけどがんばってみようと思う!応援してね!


Were you using the photo you're in as Facebook icon before? I think I saw it on your Facebook before I start following you. Isn't it right?
I've been thinking to go to a English school from next month or 2 month later. It is better if I can speak more at work and expand my world and also I can talk with you more. It costs a lots of money and time so I'm worried about if I can continue it but I'm going to do my best. Wish me luck.

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