翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/02/09 14:17:43

yukoroch807 52 翻訳の経験はまだ1年もありませんが、米軍関係や外資系の会社に長く勤めていた...

international brokers に商品の発送を依頼したのはあなたでしょう? 私はinternational brokers の連絡先を知りません。伝票に記載された電話番号や日本の宅配会社に連絡したところ、送り主(あなた)に問い合わせて補償してもらってくださいと言われました。


You are the one who asked the international brokers to ship the product, right? I do not know their point of contact. I called the number and asked the Japanese delivery company written in the delivery slip, they asked me to ask you for the damage compensation.
Though you said you had asked them to make sure I would receive it in a perfect condition, the tape was partially torn in the bottom of the box and has been crushed by the weight of packages when I received it. I would like you to compensate for the two broken cups.

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