翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2015/01/09 10:36:39

keita_washiyama1970 52 よろしくお願いいたします。











We would like to deliver F item from Japan to your company directly without using the forwarder in A. Is it OK for you?
Of cource we, shipper, pay the tariff.

Please tell us if there is anything what we should pay attention.

For example, are there restrictions like followings?
*The size must be within 50*60*50. If any of sides surpass it, it is declined.

*The weight must not be exceed 30 kilograms. The item heavier than 15 kilograms, we need to mark "weight exceeded" on the side of its box.

*The box must not be teared.

*Packing by bandling is prohibited.

*Wet box is prohibited.

*Cash on delivery is prohibited.

*Remodeled box is prohibited.

レビュー ( 1 )

mayustardustはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/01/12 00:50:47

We would like to deliver F item from Japan to your company directly without using the forwarder in A. Is it OK for you?
Of cource we, shipper, pay the tariff.

Please tell us if there is anything what we should pay attention.

For example, are there restrictions like followings?
*The size must be within 50*60*50. If any of sides surpass it, it is declined.

*The weight must not be exceed 30 kilograms. The item heavier than 15 kilograms, we need to mark "weight exceeded" on the side of its box.

*The box must not be teared.

*Packing by bandling is prohibited.

*Wet box is prohibited.

*Cash on delivery is prohibited.

*Remodeled box is prohibited.

We would like to deliver F item from Japan to your company directly without using the forwarder in A. Is it OK for you?
Of course we, shipper, pay the tariff.

Please tell us if there is anything what we should pay attention.

For example, are there restrictions like followings?
*The size must be within 50*60*50. If any of sides surpass it, it is declined.

*The weight must not be exceed 30 kilograms. If the item heavier than 15 kilograms, we need to mark "weight exceeded" on the top and side of its box.

*The box must not be teared.

*Packing by use of belts is prohibited.

*Wet box is prohibited.

*Cash on delivery is prohibited.

*Remodeled box is prohibited.

keita_washiyama1970 keita_washiyama1970 2015/01/12 02:58:30

