翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2011/09/12 22:44:49


Secondly, the share of revenue Tencent keeps is negotiable, unlike the standard 30-70 revenue split that Facebook, Apple and Google Android have settled upon. After evaluating the product and track record of a developer, Tencent will propose what it thinks is an appropriate revenue share with the company.

It can end up being a more costly split for developers, with some keeping 30 percent of what they book. Tencent says that 40 percent of revenues have to go toward covering “channel” costs, like maintaining servers (which Facebook developers have to cover themselves).


2つ目に、Tencentが保持する収益のシェアーは交渉可能で、FacebookやAppleやGoogle Androidが分与する標準的な30-70の収益分配のようではない。デベロッパーの製品とトラックレコードを評価した後、Tencentが考える企業との適切な収益配分を提案する。


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