翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 57 / 0 Reviews / 2011/08/23 21:07:19

kaory 57

In the future, Leon hopes to have more and more apps on Steply’s platform. ”I hope to have multiple apps, each providing a different function,” said Leon. As all the apps are targeting for the same type of users – those who like to take photos with their iPhone, there is significant cross-marketing effect among the apps. ”There is a simple app, called ‘Label box‘, launched on our platform. Its function is to add label to photo. In just 25 days, it recorded 1 million download,” said Leon.



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備考: startupdatingの記事翻訳です。"〜だ""〜である"調でお願いします。元記事: http://technode.com/2011/08/17/steply-photo-app-platform-has-over-7-5-million-users/