翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 56 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2014/10/28 07:54:14


おばちゃん:”姑、子供がキーワードだよ オート リバース オート リピート。 昼ドラよりよっぽど面白いからねぇ。でも誰ともしゃべれないだろ?この子には可哀想でねぇ...”
男:”気になってたんだよね。 おばちゃんの孫?”


a:"不愉快!事情も知らんと人を鬼畜呼ばわりしくさって!お前がフツーに生まれなかったからだろうが 誰か悪いの!言ってご覧!"
b:"成程。間違っていなければ 何をしてもいい というわけですね。"


Man: "Really? Those mommies in the part always chat away only about those?"
Middle-aged woman: "'Mother-in-law' and 'kids' are the focus of their attention. It's just like an endless repeat. Those topics are much more interesting than soap operas. But, you know, we cannot talk about them with everybody. I feel sorry for this boy.."
Man: I have been curious about him. Is he your grandson?"


a: "Shit! Don't call me a devil without knowing the truth. I guess it's because you were not born as a usual human being. Who is wrong? Speak out loud!"
b: I see. You mean you can do anything as long as you are right."

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