翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2014/07/30 11:37:21

hideomi 52

(一社)日本コンベンション事業協会 女性部会、 (一社)日本展示会協会 女性の活躍推進委員会、日本PCO協会JAPCOなでしこプロジェクトのMICE関連4団体の女性委員会が8月7日、グランドプリンスホテル新高輪で、「第2回MICE女性ネットワーキングイベント~MICE業界躍動の原動力、女性たちと共に~」を開催する。



The 4 associations related to MICE such as the female department ofJapan convention association, the department of promoting social female flourishing in Japan exhibition association, and the project of JAPCO Nadeshiko of Japan PCO association, will held the the event named, "The second MICE Female Networking Event(Getting together with women, the motive power of activating the MICE industry."

This event was about activities of women as the motive power in MICE industry and also planned by 4 female committees in the MICE industry , and will provide the opportunity for females who work actively in the industry in order to learn and strengthen cultural exchanges.

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