翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 1 Review / 2014/05/21 13:23:53

graceoym 60 アプリ制作会社で翻訳をしていました。

当日会場にて6/4発売アルバム「Killing Me Softly」をご購入の方に先着で「握手会参加券」をプレゼント致します。



◼︎How to join the handshake meeting
You will need a ticket for handshake meeting.
You can get the ticket by purchasing the CD, "Killing Me Softly", which will be released on June 4.
Those who have a ticket for handshaking meeting can join the meeting after the mini concert.

Purchase of the CD: 18:00- (planned)

レビュー ( 1 )

munira1605 61 I am an ex-university-student who stu...
munira1605はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/05/22 11:26:44

◼︎How to join the handshake meeting
You will need a ticket for handshake meeting.
You can get the ticket by purchasing the CD, "Killing Me Softly", which will be released on June 4.
Those who have a ticket for handshaking meeting can join the meeting after the mini concert.

Purchase of the CD: 18:00- (planned)

◼︎How to join the meet and greet event
You will need a "meet and greet ticket" for the event.
You can get the ticket by purchasing the CD, "Killing Me Softly", which will be released on June 4.
Those who have a ticket for the meet and greet event can join the event after the mini concert.

Time of CD sale: 18:00- (planned)

備考: アーティスト名は「​TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」に統一下さい。全角文字は半角文字に置き換えてください。日付等の入力ミスにご注意下さい。