翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 61 / 0 Reviews / 2014/04/30 15:01:31

jojo 61 speedy & straight

From the environmental point of view, it's not about whether you eat meat or dairy, it's about how much," he said in London on Thursday.

The report, Nitrogen on the Table, examined the impacts that changes in consumer food habits would have on nitrogen emissions from livestock.

It said a 50% cut in meat and dairy intake would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-40% depending on what the freed-up land was used for. The amount of imported soybeans, mostly used to feed livestock, would fall by 75%.

The taskforce concluded that the amount of nitrogen lost into the wider environment – into the air and into water – was 25 times higher per unit of food protein from beef than for cereals.






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