翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 61 / ネイティブ 英語 / 1 Review / 2014/03/20 08:07:52

eezebird 61 カナダ生まれ・育ち・在住のeezebirdと申します。 クリエイティブ系...

2008 年末、初となる日本レコード大賞ノミネート(優秀作品賞受賞)とNHK 紅白歌合戦出場を果たし、その余勢を駆って翌2009 年3 月にアルバム『The Secret Code』は、初めて日本レコード協会から「プラチナ」の認定を受ける大ヒットとなった。
同年7 月、デビュー以来の目標であった東京ドーム公演を成功。


Receiving their first Japan Record Awards nomination (Best Song) and making an appearance at the NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen at the end of 2008, the momentum didn't let up with the big hit album "The Secret Code" becoming their first to receive "platinum" status in March 2009 by the Recording Industry Association of Japan.
In July of the same year, they successfully had a performance at the Tokyo Dome, a goal set since their debut.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 59 I have my Bachelor's Degree in Japano...
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/21 00:52:23

Receiving their first Japan Record Awards nomination (Best Song) and making an appearance at the NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen at the end of 2008, the momentum didn't let up with the big hit album "The Secret Code" becoming their first to receive "platinum" status in March 2009 by the Recording Industry Association of Japan.
In July of the same year, they successfully had a performance at the Tokyo Dome, a goal set since their debut.

Receiving their first Japan Record Award nomination (Best Song) and making an appearance at the NHK Red and White singing contest at the end of 2008, the momentum didn't let up with the big hit album "The Secret Code" becoming their first to receive "platinum" status from the Recording Industry Association of Japan in March 2009 .
In July that year, they succeeded in performing at the Tokyo Dome, a goal set since their debut.

eezebird eezebird 2014/03/21 06:12:21

Thanks for the review, appreciate it!
I thought of "Japan Record Awards" as a proper noun, but I see where you're going (like an Oscar nomination as opposed to Oscars nomination).
Same goes for the singing contest. Wasn't sure whether to translate it or not.

[削除済みユーザ] [削除済みユーザ] 2014/03/21 06:23:14

Actually, when I looked it up in the dictionary, it said Award without the "s", so I changed it accordingly. Same goes for the singing contest, that's the way it's written in the dictionary, so I just used the official translation. :) It's best to translate names if they have an English translation, because no one will understand it otherwise. ^^

Keep up your efforts!

eezebird eezebird 2014/03/21 06:35:04

You're right, I took a look at the official Japanese site and there is no "s". I should have checked that before, instead of relying on Wikipedia ^^; (in fact, the Wiki page has the title without the "s", but most of the references to the name in the content and pages for previous years include the "s".
Interestingly, for the singing contest, there are some English pages by NHK that refer to it as the "Red and White Year-end Song Festival".

Anyway, thanks again!

備考: "東方神起はTOHOSHINKIとしてください