翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 65 / 1 Review / 2014/03/04 17:41:39







Thank you for contacting us.

We have confirmed the contents. With regards to the sales quota, can you change the 500 units for the initial fiscal year to 300 units?

In fact, we are still in the middle of preparing the Taiwan sales page and the sales in Taiwan will start slightly a bit further. We have confirmed it with the partners that starting sales by Spring would very likely be impossible. We are putting in efforts to target 1000 units by the second year.

Moreover, we would like to confirm the new package and the tweezers so can you kindly send the photos?
We initially wanted to start with the nail cutters so we want to invest after looking at the tweezers.

レビュー ( 1 )

juemon1 57 Experienced translator of Japanese-En...
juemon1はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/04 22:15:35

Thank you for contacting us.

We have confirmed the contents. With regards to the sales quota, can you change the 500 units for the initial fiscal year to 300 units?

In fact, we are still in the middle of preparing the Taiwan sales page and the sales in Taiwan will start slightly a bit further. We have confirmed it with the partners that starting sales by Spring would very likely be impossible. We are putting in efforts to target 1000 units by the second year.

Moreover, we would like to confirm the new package and the tweezers so can you kindly send the photos?
We initially wanted to start with the nail cutters so we want to invest after looking at the tweezers.

Thank you for contacting us.

We have confirmed the contents. With regards to the sales quota, can you change the 500 units for the initial fiscal year to 300 units?

In fact, we are still in the middle of preparing the Taiwan sales page and the sales in Taiwan will start slightly a bit later. We have confirmed it with the partners that starting sales by this spring would very likely be impossible. We are doing our best to reach 1000 units by the second year.

Moreover, we would like to confirm the new package and the tweezers; so can you kindly send the photos?
We want to start with the nail clippers first, then we will see if we can work with the tweezers.


備考: ビジネスの大切な交渉メールです。

