翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/06/26 20:49:54


・まどかマギカ×EXILIMコラボ デジタルカメラ発売決定!発売はもう少し先で、予約は6月27日からです。デザインはキャラクターのキュウベェが描かれています。


The digital camera featuring "Madoka Magika X Exilim colaboration" is decided to come out! It'll be out soon, and reservation will be available from 27th in June.
The character Kyube is designed on it.

If you buy a beverage of Lawson and Asahi companies, you can take part in the Idlemaster'scampaign from 19th in July.

To make the ranking of "the best Manga comic books in the first half of 2011" is catching people's attentions on the Japanese internet board. I'm sorry, but because this is the latest information there are still some comic books whose title is not turned into English yet.:)

Tell me what type of the guy the Otaku who is seen cool by everybody is.

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