翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2014/02/15 22:28:37

mbednorz 53 hi leave your translation-related n...

モノクロの写真は1990年(平成2年)に隅田川の新大橋の上から清洲橋方面に向けて撮影されたものである。護岸にはまだテラスがなくカミソリ堤防等と呼 ばれ簡単に川を望む事ができなかった。台船が停泊しておりモノクロ写真中央少し左に見られるクレーンから資材を直接載せ、タグボートに引かれて行く光景を よく目にした。


The monochrome photo was taken in 1990 at Shin Oobashi bridge over the Sumidagawa, in the direction of Shinshuubashi.
At the river bank, there are still no terraces, only so-called "razor embankments", it wasn't easy to get to the river itself. Ships were anchored here, cranes visible to the right from the monochrome picture's middle were loading materials on them. Tugboats pulling them were a common sight here.
The 80's bubble's aftertaste was still visible, Japan still had some vitality. The Shouwa climate is still tangible in those views. The color picture was taken in November 2011.

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