翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2014/02/15 22:12:55


モノクロの写真は1990年(平成2年)に隅田川の新大橋の上から清洲橋方面に向けて撮影されたものである。護岸にはまだテラスがなくカミソリ堤防等と呼 ばれ簡単に川を望む事ができなかった。台船が停泊しておりモノクロ写真中央少し左に見られるクレーンから資材を直接載せ、タグボートに引かれて行く光景を よく目にした。


The monochrome photo was taken on the Shin Ohashi bridge of the Sumida river focusing for the Kiyosubashi bridge. There has not been terrace at the river wall, and it was called the razor embankment. It was difficult to observe the river from there. A Barge was mooring and put the materials on it directly from the crane truck on a bit left side of the picture, and it would be pulled by a tugboat. I have seen this kind of scene many times.
It was the time when Japan was still energetic, having the aftereffect of the Bubble Economic Era. The scene gives us the atmosphere of the Showa Era. The colored photo was taken in November 2011.

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