翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 1 Review / 2014/02/02 00:42:28






This price is a special price only for you so it will be difficult for a free shipping.
I also received some other offers.
However, it will be possible to ship via airmail with a o shipping fee.

If you can make me happy then I will do anything for you!
The ◇ has arrived today so I weighed the total package to be sent to you.
The weight is ☆ so the EMS shipping fee is ◯. (It is okay to use e-Packet for a cheaper shipping fee of ◯ but the max warranty is ◯ so I am a bit worried.)

I was somehow able to obtain one from searching in various stores so I can ship ◇ once again if you wish.

レビュー ( 1 )

emiinamerica 50 Hello! I have been translating Engli...
emiinamericaはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/02/02 00:58:02

This price is a special price only for you so it will be difficult for a free shipping.
I also received some other offers.
However, it will be possible to ship via airmail with a o shipping fee.

If you can make me happy then I will do anything for you!
The ◇ has arrived today so I weighed the total package to be sent to you.
The weight is ☆ so the EMS shipping fee is ◯. (It is okay to use e-Packet for a cheaper shipping fee of ◯ but the max warranty is ◯ so I am a bit worried.)

I was somehow able to obtain one from searching in various stores so I can ship ◇ once again if you wish.

This price is a special price only for you so it will be difficult for a free shipping.
I also received some other offers.
However, it will be possible to ship via airmail with a o shipping fee.

If you can be so happy then I will do anything for you!
The ◇ has arrived today so I weighed the total package to be sent to you.
The weight is ☆ so the EMS shipping fee is ◯. (It is okay to use e-Packet for a cheaper shipping fee of ◯ but the max warranty is ◯ so I am a bit worried.)

I was somehow able to obtain one from searching in various stores so I can ship ◇ once again if you wish.


備考: ◯は値段。◇は商品の名前。☆は数量、数です。