翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 56 / 2 Reviews / 2014/01/24 00:53:35

higuchi_takeru 56 アメリカで生まれ、10歳の時に日本に来ました。 大学では英文学を専攻し、...


YAWARA! 【題材:柔道】

天才柔道家の祖父、猪熊滋悟郎の元で3歳から稽古に明け暮れている「普通」の少女・猪熊 柔が、祖父滋悟郎に大学進学・就職で一方的に決めつけられ、恋愛においてもほとんど許されないなか、祖父滋悟郎の凄さは実感しつつ反発していながらも、徐々に天性の才能を発揮・自覚し、日本国内を始め世界のスポーツの祭典アトランタオリンピックまで雄飛してゆく姿を描く柔道恋愛漫画作品である。



YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]

Inokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by the genius judoka Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with other men. She understands how honorable Jigoro is despite her opposition towards him and gradually becomes aware of her talent in judo. It's a love comedy about Yawara being active from inside Japan to as far as the Atlanta Olympics.

レビュー ( 2 )

psychonyaku 60 いつもお世話になっております。
psychonyakuはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/01/24 01:24:27


YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]

Inokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by the genius judoka Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with other men. She understands how honorable Jigoro is despite her opposition towards him and gradually becomes aware of her talent in judo. It's a love comedy about Yawara being active from inside Japan to as far as the Atlanta Olympics.


YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]

Inokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by Jūdō prodigy Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with other men. She comes to realize her grandfather's greatness, despite her opposition towards him, and gradually becomes aware of her own innate talent in jūdō. It's a jūdō lover's manga about Yawara from her beginnings nationally in Japan to competing in the Atlanta Olympics.

This sentence seems to imply either he picks which college she attends, for me unlikely, or he doesn't allow her to date while at college or work. The English and Japanese Wikipedia page show contradictory information on the matter:http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAWARA! and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yawara!_A_Fashionable_Judo_Girl
One page says Atlanta Olympics, the other says Barcelona. Perhaps the localizations changed the locale?


russ87 68
russ87はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/01/24 14:31:56


YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]

Inokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by the genius judoka Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with other men. She understands how honorable Jigoro is despite her opposition towards him and gradually becomes aware of her talent in judo. It's a love comedy about Yawara being active from inside Japan to as far as the Atlanta Olympics.


YAWARA! [Topic : Judo]

Inokuma Yawara is a normal girl who has been trained by the genius judo master Jigoro Inokuma - her grandfather - since she was 3 years old. Jigoro is the one who chooses Yawara's college and her employment, and almost never lets her go out with boys. She understands how honorable Jigoro is despite her opposition towards him and gradually becomes aware of her talent in judo. It's a judo romance manga which depicts Yawara's beginnings from inside Japan, all the way to the Atlanta Olympics.

Pretty good job but misses or misinterprets some small points

