翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2014/01/24 00:31:49

mbednorz 53 hi leave your translation-related n...

一押しキャラクターは、やはり主人公の刹那ですね。彼は元反政府ゲリラの少年兵で、戦場でガンダムと出会い、その存在に強烈に惹きつけられます。その後、ガンダムを戦争根絶という概念の具現体のように捉え、自分もガンダムのようになることを目指していくのですが(* `・ロ・´)


My favorite character would be, as expected, the main character, Setsuna. He's a former anti-government guerilla child soldier, he saw a Gundam for the first time on the battlefield and experienced a strong fascination with it. After that, he took up the idea of Gundam as a tool of war eradication and decided to become like Gundam itself.
He has all kinds of experiences during the story and it feels like he changes a lot as a person. Setsuna, wanting to become Gundam, slowly gets in contact with his feelings and humanity.

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