翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 45 / ネイティブ ベトナム語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/11/29 18:12:13

huuhung 45 初めまして、ベトナム語ー日本語/英語翻訳者のKhanh(カン)と申します。...

・ 製造所の構造設備の主要部分
・製造業者が他の区分の製造業の認定を受けたとき、又はその製造所を廃止したときは、 当該認定の区分及び認定番号


Manufacture must notify to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare the notification within 30 days from the day of change when they changed the following items.Please contact me ASAP in case of change.
The name of (Manufacture), (The person in charge of the factory) is the address.
When manufacturer is a juridical, name of the officer who carry out that business
The name of the manufacturing site
The main part of the buildings and facilities of the manufacturing
When manufacture received the certification of manufacturing of other segments or the closure of the factory, certification number and classification of the certification

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