翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 58 / 0 Reviews / 2011/04/06 21:39:51

qwerty 58 Note: I'm not a returnee from Ame...

#15: Outreach
A lot of companies post outreach videos. This type of video shows something outside of everyday marketing. It demonstrates a brand’s values. Here are two good examples from Starbucks: What if we all cared enough to vote? and Starbucks Love Project Global Sing Along

#16: Product Tours
Product tours are an excellent way to tell customers about your company’s products and services. If your product is web-based, it won’t cost a lot to create a video that explains the key features. Done well, product tours can be extremely influential.

17: Qik
Qik is a mobile live video streaming and two-way video conferencing application that allows users to stream live video from their cell phones to the Internet.


#15 奉仕活動

#16 製品紹介

#17 クイック

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