翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/09/04 15:11:56

[削除済みユーザ] 59 翻訳歴 約8ヶ月 海外サポートメールとその返信文の翻訳を中心に行ってきま...

For the 5S, the design will be similar to the current iPhone 5, with improved internals (such as a faster, more efficient A7 processor), a possible fingerprint sensor and be offered in a gold variant, alongside the usual black and white color choices.

Apple will announce the official launch dates for these new devices at the event. Apple’s behaviour in the previous years would suggest that the new iPhones will be available to buy on the 20th September, two weeks after their announcement. On Friday, we reported that Verizon is blocking employee vacations between the 18th and the 22nd of September, a very good indicator that new iPhones will be released in this timeframe.


5Sについてデザインは現在のiPhone 5と似通ったものとなりより良くなった内容と(例えば速度の上昇とより高精度のA7プロセッサなど)指紋のセンサー、そして異なった金色が通常の黒白である色の選択肢に加えて提供されます。


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