翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/04/04 17:09:44

myaogi 50



Up to now, it has been thought that the role of consumers is to consume, however, a number of studies have been reported that consumers actually do production activities. Not only forward-thinking customers but also ordinary consumers do that in their daily lives, the production activities by consumers have become more active thanks to IT evolution. This is the S-D logic, a concept put forward by Vargo, that considers those consumers as co-creators from the perspective of value. The value in S-D logic should be co-created and S-D logic is a concept that always requires both activities of enterprises and consumers.

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備考: 大学院修士論文の「要約」部分です。「S-Dロジック」「G-Dロジック」とは、Vargo氏の論文で発表されている概念モデルの事です。