翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 1 Review / 2013/08/21 12:06:09

14pon 60 こんにちは こちらで始めて、ちょうど1年経ちました 英語学習履...





Thank you for your email.
We will refund you the full amount of the item as long as you return it to us within a week, however, please note that the shipping charge will not be refunded.

Thank you for your email.
I am also very glad that you are satisfied with our service.
I look forward to your next order.

Thank you for your email.
Has the item not arrived to you yet?
Let me look into it to see if we did anyting wrong.
I will ship it again as soon as I confirm the cause.
I will include a small gift for you then.


レビュー ( 1 )

tokyomanly 66 Professional editor and sometimes tra...
tokyomanlyはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/08/21 12:47:38

Thank you for your email.
We will refund you the full amount of the item as long as you return it to us within a week, however, please note that the shipping charge will not be refunded.

Thank you for your email.
I am also very glad that you are satisfied with our service.
I look forward to your next order.

Thank you for your email.
Has the item not arrived to you yet?
Let me look into it to see if we did anyting wrong.
I will ship it again as soon as I confirm the cause.
I will include a small gift for you then.


Thank you for your email. We will refund you the full amount of the item as long as you return it to us within a week, but please note that the shipping charge will not be refunded.

Thank you for your email. I am also very glad that you are satisfied with our service. I look forward to your next order.

Thank you for your email. Has the item not arrived there yet? Let me look into it to see if any mistake was made on this end. If necessary, I will ship it again as soon as I confirm the cause. At that time I will also include a small gift for you.

Good translation, just some minor suggestions

14pon 14pon 2013/08/21 13:01:01

いつもありがとうございます。第一パラグラフ、however ではいけないのですか?
原文は、(原因が何であっても、)「再送します」という意思が感じられます。それなりの理由があるのかもしれません。だとすると、If necessary という「逃げ」は打っていません。 any mistake was made on this end は美しいですね。
At that time と言うんですね。勉強になります。実は「お詫びの気持ちとして」が抜けてしまったので、コメントで一番最後に as for my apology と追加しています。

tokyomanly tokyomanly 2013/08/21 13:11:44

"However" is fine, but "but" reads a bit smoother and more naturally. I think "if necessary" was implied though I realize it's not in the genko. Actually, I think the genko is insufficient. My only other suggestion is to make paragraphs instead of copying the line-line-line Japanese style of emails. These are really stylistic choices but a translator's job is not just to translate the words but also the style and feeling.

14pon 14pon 2013/08/21 13:27:07

Thank you for the reply.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Is that old fashioned? I think I used to do so, and this style I learned from Americans.

tokyomanly tokyomanly 2013/08/21 13:29:21

I don't think it's so old-fashioned, just polite. No problems there.

14pon 14pon 2013/08/21 13:34:48

