翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/03/22 12:03:15

amanda 50

"Despite the pickup in M&A in 2010, insurers were generally cautious in their plays. Target properties were largely midsized companies offering accretive bolt-on opportunities, in contrast to the large consolidations seen in earlier periods of strong insurance M&A activity," said Stephan .
"Specialty underwriting units were a strong focus for activity, as were specialty distribution groups. Insurers in 2010 also actively pursued alternatives to outright M&A of risk bearing entities in order to minimize reserve risk and the complexities of integration following a merger. Marquee underwriters or underwriting teams were sought out and hired, and managing general agents were acquisition targets as well."


「M&Aは2010年には復調したものの、保険引受人は軒並み慎重な姿勢をとっている。対象となる資産はほとんどaccretive bolt-on opportunitiesの中規模企業ばかりで、大規模統合など業界M&Aが盛んだった初期の状況と対照的だ。」

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