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評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/22 23:08:48


Apple's iPhone 5S Revealed in New Photos

MacRumors has received several images that appear to show both the interior and rear shell of Apple's upcoming iPhone 5S. The device appears to carry the same redesigned logic board that appeared earlier this week, suggesting that this is indeed a new iPhone.

- Based on the observable features, the logic board appears to be an exact match to the one that appeared in photos earlier this week, with a slightly narrower profile and a new layout for connectors and other components.


アップルのiPhone 5Sの最新画像発表

MacRumorsがアップルの次回作であるiPhone 5sの内部と背面を映したいくつかの写真を受け取りました。このデヴァイスは今週の頭に現れたのと同じ新たにデザインされたロジック・ボードを搭載しているようなので、この写真が新たなiPhoneであることは間違いないです。


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