翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/12 11:47:02

sachin 50 ボランティアで自然保護団体や国際協力関係の翻訳をしたことがあります。

The more your work, the better you get. And with quality comes a larger amount of better-paid requests that gradually develop you into an expert. Results of your work serve as a future motivation and you can clearly see which career path suits you best. You can’t become an established translator overnight, but if you work hard, you can gradually build up your skillset, vocabulary, experience, as well as the client base. Accept different projects and try out as many things as possible. Only this way you will recognize your best talent and find methods to improve any disadvantages you might have. Becoming a translator is an ongoing process and your efforts definitely pay off.



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