翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 67 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/11 23:00:14

risa 67 主に公共事業関連の翻訳、語学学習関連書籍の翻訳協力などを行っています。

"An old member has found himself in a difficult and very serious situation and we want to help him and his family financially," Cook said. "We are all still very tight with each other so getting together for this was very easy for us."

While live shows and more releases are pretty much dismissed by Cook, he confirms they've recorded a new song titled "Resurrection Of The Wolf" along with an unannounced cover, to be released on his Bad Actors label, with proceeds going towards the member in need.



ライブショーや作品のリリースをいくつも却下してきたクックだが、『Resurrection Of The Wolf』というタイトルの新曲と未発表のカバー曲を録音したと述べた。それらは彼のレーベルBad Actorsからリリースされる予定で、収益は助けを必要としているメンバーのために充てられる。

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