翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/09 08:08:17

naoko_horigome330 52 英語公用語の国に3年の在住経験あり。 産業翻訳アシスタント1年ほどやって...

The beneficiaries of that violent process, dominant in every order of society, were in no way disposed to share their new privileges.In a Senate of a thousand members a preponderance of Caesarians owed status and office,if not wealth as well, to the Triumvirs;and a mass of Roman knights,by their incorporation in that order, reinforced the bond between the higher classes of the holders of property.Veterans by grant,and freedmen by
purchase, had acquired estates,sometimes with improvement of social standing, actual or in prospect: after the Sicilian War Octavianus accorded to his centurions on discharge the rank of town-councillors in their municipia. Hence certain symptoms of consolidation, political and social.



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