翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 0 Reviews / 2011/03/12 23:39:48


Monroe Products plans a $2500 donation for Red Cross relief efforts in Japan. We are also offering to donate Hemi-Sync® products to assist those dealing with trauma. Dealers can contact us directly or supply us with names and addresses of those whom you feel may benefit.

For those of you with pending orders, we our holding shipments to Japan until we hear from you directly. Please contact us at your earliest opportunity to let us know how you are doing, and if we can assist you in your recovery.


Monroe Productsでは、赤十字の日本支援募金に2500ドルの募金を行う予定です。また、この惨事による精神的外傷(トラウマ)の回復をサポートする目的でHemi-Sync®(ヘミシンク)製品を提供します。ディーラーの皆様は、私どもに直接連絡いただくか、製品が役に立つと思われる被災者の名前と住所をお教えください。


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