翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/05/27 15:35:59


I am sorry to hear your account has been suspended. Unfortunately whilst you account has been suspended you will also have no access to your payment.

I can see from looking at the correspondence in relation to the notification from Seller Performance that you have submitted an appeal. This appeal will be reviewed by the Seller Performance team.

Here at Seller Support we do not have access to the Seller performance appeals process. But please be assured that Seller Performance will be in touch with you in relation to your appeal.

We wish you every success with your appeals process and once your suspension has been lifted your payments will become available for disbursement again.



Seller Perfomanceからの通知から連絡のやり取りを見るに、あなたは要請を出したようですね。この要請はSeller Performanceのスタッフが目を通すかと思います。

このSeller Supportでは私どもではSeller Performanceが行っている申請の過程にアクセスすることはできません。しかしSeller Perfromanceがあなたの申請関係で連絡を取ってくることは間違いありません。


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