翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/05/21 16:47:04

mura 50 翻訳歴8か月

分単位の意識が行動力につながる事を知りました。きっとその小さな積み重ねが大きな行動力を作るのでしょうね。毎日をTeacher plantに導かれていく事に感謝しています。


Though during the period I did not experience any great change, I was guided by something to find one book.
On reading it, my idea of how to use time changed. For example thinking of three minutes, I found that I could do many things within three minutes.
I had left many things untouched such as returning mail and simple cleaning by the reason that I was busy raising my children.
That is, I found that thinking in a unit of minute led to ability to take action. Probably accumulation of such trivial things would make a great ability to take action. I am grateful that I am being led by Teacher plant every day.

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