翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 56 / 0 Reviews / 2013/05/21 17:27:18

shioton 56

分単位の意識が行動力につながる事を知りました。きっとその小さな積み重ねが大きな行動力を作るのでしょうね。毎日をTeacher plantに導かれていく事に感謝しています。


During that period, I didn't have any huge change in my life then I found a book as if I was guided by someone. After I read that book, my attitude toward time management has changed. I realized that there are a lot more things can be done in three minutes by being aware of the time frame of three minutes.
For long time, I gave myself easy excuses like child raising, and I put aside the tasks such as e-mail replies or a simple house cleaning.
I learned that the awareness of the time frame leads to one's activeness by the book.
I think that the reputation of such a simple small procedure eventually end up with the energetic actions.
I appreciate the daily guidance of Teacher planet.

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