翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 61 / 0 Reviews / 2013/05/14 21:29:21

ktfj 61 アタマの体操

The summer ensemble. From left to right: Mari, Sarah, Andrew, Roni, Jay, Robert, and Ayano.

House Show II Begins Rehearsals

On May 10, the YTG Summer Ensemble started rehearsals for its next show. Like our last production in October 2012, the performance will take place in a private home. This time, the venue is located near Takata station on the Yokohama Green Line.

We can’t give you any more details right now, because there is no script yet. The ensemble will create the script in rehearsal over the next two months. As always, you can be sure to be alerted as soon as tickets go on sale by ::JOINING OUR MAILING LIST::

You can read all about our process and our rehearsal reports ::HERE::



House Show IIのリハーサルが始まります。




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