翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 48 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/18 10:11:34

akutaya 48

Certain friends of Caesar supplied abundant funds, 1 which along with his own money he expended lavishly at the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris, in honour of the triumph of Caesar's arms
and of Venus Genetrix, the ancestress of the Julian house (July 20th to 30th).A new complication in Roman politics towards the end of July. The recrudescence of public disorder and the emergence of a Caesarian rival might well force Antonius back again to the policy which he had deserted by the legislation of June 1st - to a strengthening of the coalition of March 17th,and, more than that, to a firm pact with the Liberators.Brutus and Cassius published an edict conceived in fair terms,probably with honest intent, not merely to deceive;


例のCaesarの友人はLudiVictoriae Caesarisで豪華に膨らんだ自身の資産に加えて豊富な資金を供給し、Caesarの兵士とJulian家の祖先(7月20から30日)Venus Gentrixの功績を祝った。公的秩序の乱れが再発し、Caerarのライバルは3月17日の連合で力を増しAntoniusを6月1日の法制定で罰するという政策を再びすすめており、それ以上に、Liberatorsと硬い協定を結んでいた。BrutusとCassiusは公平な条約と考えられる布告を発した。おそらく単なる欺きではなく、正直な意図で。

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