翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 48 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/11 11:54:53

akutaya 48

We recently added PowerPoint upload function to the Conyac Translation Service. It is a new feature that enables companies to translate presentations easily and quickly. We celebrated this new feature, with a new company log page: LINK

Businesses can use this website for the worldwide promotion of their companies and products. They simply send us their presentation which will be translated by Conyac translators.

First 20 companies that send their presentations to support@any-door.com will get a free translation of up to 10 slides. We will also post the presentations to our or our website, which would give the businesses additional exposure.

Hurry up and get your free translation: LINK


私たちは、最近Conyac翻訳サービスにパワーポイントのアップロード機能を追加しました。これは速く、簡単にプレゼンテーションを翻訳できるきのうです。新しいログページでお祝いしています。: LINK



急いで、無料翻訳をてにいれてください。: LINK

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