翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/30 13:11:31

snowdrop 52 外資系メーカー勤務 TOEIC score 955 会社員として日...



The people who make KAKEJIKU - hanging scroll (mounting) are called a HYOUGU-SHI or KYOUJI - a paperhanger. They make KAKEJIKU with raw wheat gluten glue and selected WASHI - Japanese paper. When we make KAKEJIKU, there are 3 processes of backing basically. We use WASHI for backing process. We use MINO WASHI –Mino paper for the direct backing of the KAKEJIKU itself. For this process, we choose thickness of papers –thin, medium, and thick - depend on the thickness of the KAKEJIKU itself. A persistence paperhanger can distinguish the paper thickness by their fingers even those papers seem to be the same thinness, and then choose the most suitable one.

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