翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → ロシア語 )

評価: 53 / 1 Review / 2013/03/19 15:59:31

anisa 53 Hello, My name is Anisa. Russian i...

The most difficult part about translation is that many words in one language don’t have an equivalent word in another. Even if they did, using the equivalent word may not fit into the context or the style of the language you are translating into. I needed to gain more vocabulary and know more about grammar and the style of both languages thoroughly.

I practice my skills with every translation. I learn new words and find proper ways to express statements in different languages. Now I am becoming more confident about my translations and am also able to earn more money.


Труднее всего в переводе это то, что большинство слов в одном языке не похожи на слово в другом. Даже если они похожи, они могут не подходить в контексте языка, который Вы переводите. Мне нужно знать больше слов и грамматику и стиль двух языков в совершенстве.

Я усовершествую свои навыки с каждым переводом. Я учу новые слова и ищу подходящие пути чтобы ясно выразить свою формулировку в разных языках, благодаря чему в настоящее время я становлюсь более уверенным в своих переводах и к тому же могу зарабатывать деньги.

レビュー ( 1 )

11diamonds 55 ENGLISH --- Education and Life Exp...
11diamondsはこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2013/04/11 12:38:44

This translation does give understanding of what original text is about and relatively good standard of Russian is used. However this is not an accurate translation and a review or translation by another translator might be preferable.

For example: Second sentence- "context" has been translated, but "style" has not been noted, yet it pops up in the further sentences. In the same sentence "even if they did" has beent translated using Present Tense without emphasis, which arguably does not match the style of the original text. In the last part two centences have been joined together which seems unjustified and makes reading more difficult. Punctuation is often omited, which indicates the translator, perhaps, has been under pressure by time limits.

Hence, the resulting translation had to be marked down (below average to average), yet the translator needs to be encouraged to put more efforts into their work.
