翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/14 01:59:27

kawaii 60 日本で通訳者・翻訳者養成のための専門学校を卒業し、米国の大学に留学して以来...



Have you already set your schedule, the term of your stay in Japan? It's depend on the costs, but we would like to schedule for one day (about five hours) for an interview with you. Are the costs the transportation charge from the airport to the hotel and one night hotel charge for three people? The tour is our priority but we're also thinking to include you in some events if your time allows. But nothing has been set in detail, yet. If anything we are going to plan for you, we will contact A company and keep them informed constantly. We would like to invite you in Japan sometime around the end of this Spring to this Summer but the budget may be too tight.

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