翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 68 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/07 16:50:31

zhizi 68

I don’t think InstaWaves’ design is as good as it could be. But I do think that it provides a pictorial storytelling approach for users to consume content, like the way you can use Storify to contextualize Twitter posts about a certain event. By following a hashtag on Instagram, users understand the story in pictures. It’s a clever use of user-generated content, so I thought that was pretty cool as soon as I saw it. But if only InstaWaves could look sharper and feel more like a pictorial storybook – that would be even more awesome, wouldn’t it?



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備考: http://www.techinasia.com/sri-lanka-instawaves-turns-instagram-hashtags-pictorial-story/