翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/07 10:10:59

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Fango, having been defeated on both wings and having lost his camp, thought that he had been betrayed, and committed suicide; and Sextius again became master of the two African provinces. Bocchus, king of Mauretania, at the instance of Lucius, made war on Carinas, who was Octavian's procurator in Spain. Ahenobarbus, who was patrolling the Adriatic with seventy ships, two legions of soldiers, and a force of archers and slingers, light-armed troops and gladiators, devastated the regions subject to the triumvirs. He sailed against Brundusium, captured some of the triremes of Octavian, burned others, shut the inhabitants up in their walls, and plundered their territory.



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