翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2011/02/11 15:32:57

zhizi 52


* 外で、Kの母親や誰かを追いかけて元気よく走るLの姿。広い所で走って遊ぶのが好き。
* ドライブ。車に乗るときのワクワクした感覚を受けとりました。(K曰く、車ではよく吐いていたが乗る前に嫌がる感じではなかった。)
* シャンプーは、ドライヤーは苦手だけれど、それ以外はとくに嫌がらない感じ。


Finally, would you tell me your likes and dislikes to show K that we did communicate each other?

*L’s figure running outside energetically to follow after K’s mother or someone else. L likes running around and playing in a large area.
*Driving: I sensed that L’s exciting feeling when he gets into a car. (K said that L often threw up in the car, but he did not seem to have been reluctant so much before getting into the car.)
*I imagine that L did not like having his hair dried with a hair dryer, but other than that, L felt fine with having his hair shampooed.

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備考: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。Kはクライアント(女性)、Lは犬(オス)です。