翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2011/02/11 14:28:41

zhizi 52




(L wants to come back to the K family within a couple of years, and he is waiting for the best time to do that.)

L wants to be born again to be a medium sized dog with long hair. I imaged it would be a doggy like the Sheltie. When asked why, L told me that he would be back to protect the Takahara family, when he was born again, so the most suitable figure he thought was a dog. He said that he had been a small dog in his previous life, and he thinks he wants to be a bigger dog in his next life, because it is easier to protect the family. He continued to say that, if he was too big, it would be too much for the family to take care of him. That’s why he wants to be born to be a medium sized dog. He seems to prefer long fair than short hair, because he feels confortable with long hair.

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備考: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。Kはクライアント(女性)、Lは犬(オス)です。