翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/25 23:57:20

imuzi 50

but Antony moved his army rapidly, wishing to anticipate the enemy in occupying Amphipolis as an advantageous position for the battle. When he found it already fortified by Norbanus he was delighted. Leaving his supplies there and one legion, under the command of Pinarius, he advanced with the greatest boldness and encamped in the plain at a distance of only eight stades from the enemy, and straightway the superiority of the enemy's situation and the inferiority of his own became evident. The former were on elevated ground, the latter on the plain; the former procured fuel from the mountains, the latter from the marsh; the former obtained water from a river, the latter from wells freshly dug;


しかしAntonyは急速に彼の軍隊を移動し、戦いで有利な立場として占領Amphipolis で敵を先読みして手を打つことを望んでいる。
既にNorbanusによって防備を固めたことを知ったとき、彼はとても喜んだ。そこに彼の物資を残し、 Pinariusの指揮下に1軍団、偉大な大胆さで進め、敵からわずか8stades の距離で平野に宿営した。そして、ただちにに敵の状況や自分自身の劣等感の優位性を明らかにした。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。