翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → ロシア語 )

評価: 53 / 1 Review / 2013/02/21 17:08:48

infatuated_66 53 I've graduated from Kutafin Moscow St...

Conyac for Business ensures the highest translation quality, as its experienced and verified translators always work under a signed non-disclosure agreement. Turnover time remains very short, as Conyac’s translators get instant notifications about pending jobs.

anydooR Inc. will give away free translation credit (10,000 points) to the first 50 companies that register with Conyac for Business and send an email request with their company name and username to info@any-door.com.


Conyac для Бизнеса гарантирует высокое качество перевода, ведь его опытные и проверенные переводчики всегда работают в соответствии с соглашением о конфиденциальности. Время ожидания совсем небольшое - переводчики сервиса Conyac получают мгновенные уведомления о ждущих их заданиях.
Компания anydooR Inc. бесплатно предоставит "переводческий кредит" (на 10 000 очков) первым 50 компаниям, зарегистрировавшимся в сервисе Conyac для Бизнеса, и отправит по электронной почте запрос с наименованием компании и именем пользователя по адресу info@any-door.com.

レビュー ( 1 )

11diamonds 55 ENGLISH --- Education and Life Exp...
11diamondsはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2013/02/21 18:32:55

This is a good translation. It might be styled better, to match business intention of the customer, - I feel having more time translator would improve the text. There is only a couple of inaccuracies.
* highest has been translated just as high, but it doesn't make much difference when read in Russian;
* "Translation credit" might be better as "кредит перевода", as it is not given to translators but rather to companies who order translations.
* "verified translators" might be difficult to translate as it requires knowledge of the process of verification on Conyac. The translator used good general word "проверенные", which is acceptable, but does not reflect the fact that translators are asked to submit their IDs for verification.
