翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 63 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/08 14:31:10

[削除済みユーザ] 63

which had been instituted by his father in honour of Venus Genetrix when he dedicated a temple to her in a forum, together with that forum itself. Then at last it became evident that universal hatred of Antony was already growing out of this affair, since he seemed to be moved not so much by a feeling of rivalry toward the younger Caesar as by an ungrateful purpose to insult the memory of the elder one. Octavian himself, with a crowd of people like a body-guard, moved about among the plebeians and those who had received benefits from his father, or had served under him in war, stirring the anger and beseeching them to pay no attention to p7himself, though the victim of so many and so great outrages,


その競技は彼の父によってVenus Genetrixに敬意を表して彼女に公共広場の寺院を、広場自体を含めて捧げた時に設けられたものだった。そしてついにAntonyの普遍的な嫌悪がこの事件から生じた。というのも、若い方のCarsarにたいする競争意識によって、彼は年上の方のCaesarの記憶を侮辱するという恩知らずな目的ほど心を動かされないようだったからだ。Octavian自身は、ボディーガードのように周りに人を群がらせて、平民たち彼の父から利益を受けた人、もしくは戦争で彼のもとで働いていた人たちの間を動き回り、怒りを掻き立てて、とても多く、大きな侮辱の犠牲者ではあっても彼自身に注意を払わないことを嘆願した。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。