翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/03 13:42:39

violet 59

Octavian yielded to them because he did not know what had happened after Caesar's death.He took leave of the army officers and crossed the Adriatic,not to Brundusium (for as he had made no test of the army at that place he avoided all risk),but to another town not far from it and out of the direct route, named Lupiae.There he took lodgings and remained for a while.When more accurate information about the murder and the public grief had reached him, together with copies of Caesar's will and the decrees of the Senate, his relatives still more cautioned him to beware of the enemies of Caesar, as he was the latter's adopted son and heir. They even advised him to renounce the adoption, together with the inheritance.



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